Forum Discussion

DAM70's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago


I have been on hold to the PAYROLL section now for 2 hours and counting!
I was on hold last night for 1.5 hours, I rang support at 6pm Adelaide time from my mobile whilst still on hold and support told me everyone has gone home, ring back tomorrow morning! 
So here I'am a small business owner with absolutely NO HELP at all from MYOB.

  • Sam_R's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi DAM70,


    Sorry to hear your issue is still unresolved/unanswered after this amount of time. 


    If you'd like to provide the details of your payroll issue, we'd be more than happy to assist you here. 

    • DAM70's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi Sam,


      I can't get MYOB and the ATO to "sync", well at least that is what the person on MYOB support telephone service told me after being on hold for 2.5 hours this morning.


      They told me to ring the ATO and get them to remove MYOB as my SBR with the Software ID number and then get them to reconnect MYOB SBR and Software ID again. I did this, and then ran a single person $0 payrun and then checked the Payroll reporting centre to see it the report was accepted or rejected, surprise, surprise it was REJECTED again. 

      This is causing me great distress and I need to this issue fixed asap.
      I hope you can help as I'm really just going around in circles and have been for months now.




      • Sam_R's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Deb DAM70,


        Thanks for letting me know. 


        So that I can assist you further, could you please provide a screenshot of the ATO error code that's being produced with the 'Rejected' report?