Forum Discussion

Louisev_v4's avatar
Experienced Cover User
6 days ago

Sending invoices for customers on hold

The most recent update is not working as below. Not sure why these updates were considered and implemented but MYOB just added more work to a the simple action of sending an invoice.


If you are emailing an email where no changes have occurred, a new message pops up advising you that changes will be saved before you send.  Fine if you made changes but why if no changes were made.  We send 50-100 invoices every afternoon as part of our end of day practise and now we have this unnecessary message where no changes have been made and we are simply opening the email and sending.  We are not changing but have more clicks  - productivity lost.


The next stupid thing is you can't email an invoice on hold.  You have to go back and take it off hold , email and then put it back on hold.  This follows on from the above message advising any changes will be saved even when there are no changes and it just the simple act of emailing.  Something we do all day when an account is on hold - as a following up for payment. 


Please differentiate between emailing an updated invoice and one that just needs to be emailed to a customer - seriously. 

3 Replies

  • Louisev_v4's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    ..........and to top it off.  My team are sending invoices to customers who were invoiced in June.  This is normal practise to do follow-ups for overdue invoices- note nothing is being changed it's a simple email.  We have locked down for end of financial year while our accountant reviews.

    As for being locked down, we usually lock down a month after 3 months and have always been able to continue to send invoices with no changes.  NOW - if we try to email an invoice it is reading it as a change and stops from sending.  Which means I have to unlock,  wait until they are finished and lock again.  I want to repeat WE ARE NOT MAKING ANY CHANGES JUST EMAILING AN INVOICE.  When the coding was done in the latest the update someone made a mistake.  Please FIX ASAP,

    • gavin12345's avatar
      Ultimate User

      Hi Louisev_v4 


      I have spoken to non-myob a specialist who has looked into this issue - I also note MYOB at least sound like they are finally looking into it. Apparently it was not a deliberate change but rather a bug, as you have also correctly concluded. Due to a backend change AR2024.6 thinks the sales invoice have changed even though it hasn't. Same issue affects invoices created after the Lock Period, though MYOB saves these without complaining. For those who can't wait for MYOB to release a patch, get in touch with MYOX Services  who should be able to provide an interim solution.


      Best workaround - use this method to print invoices - you may have to change Advanced Filters.




      • Louisev_v4's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Thanks Gavin 

        Appreciate your follow-up.  There was no sense to this change so I assumed it was a coding error.

        Yesterday I wasn't able to send from the print/email option for any customer on hold but can now - perhaps they are fixing?  Fingers Crossed.