Forum Discussion

Frances12's avatar
6 years ago

Payroll adjustment - so now I have 2 STP Reports

I have done minor adjustments to 2 pays in my monthly payrun (Accountright), with 2 STP reports being produced in the process (first is for all employees, and second is for the 2 individuals only) . I did this by deleting their pays, and re-entering correctly. Please note I accidentally entered their new pays with different pay periods (original = 1 - 31 Aug, adjusted = 15/7 - 14/8) Looking at STP Reports:

- The individuals' YTD gross and tax submitted to ATO are correct - with the minor adjustments.

- The first page of the STP report for the adjustment pay shows their month's gross and details.


Before I submit the 2 STP reports, can you please confirm that the STP report created after the adjustment was made, is correct to send through to the ATO? Or has it recorded these two individual pays twice somewhere in the ATO's system? I understand that it won't affect them as individuals as their YTD gross and tax balances are correct after the adjustments were made, but not sure where these total figures (monthly gross and tax for the 2 individuals only) will land in ATO land? Will it affect my company's PAYG BAS etc? Reports showing the front page of each pay run are attached.



  • Hi Frances12 


    Both payruns will show in the ATO Business Portal but the ATO only look at the YTD amounts. They are aware we make mistakes and will need to process extra payruns to correct errors. As long as the YTD amounts are correct for each employee in the latest report sent you’re all good. 


    As for Gross Wages and PAYG, your BAS will pull the figures from MYOB so if MYOB is correct you’re good and the ATO will only be looking at the YTD amounts.






  • bungy15's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Hi Frances12 


    Both payruns will show in the ATO Business Portal but the ATO only look at the YTD amounts. They are aware we make mistakes and will need to process extra payruns to correct errors. As long as the YTD amounts are correct for each employee in the latest report sent you’re all good. 


    As for Gross Wages and PAYG, your BAS will pull the figures from MYOB so if MYOB is correct you’re good and the ATO will only be looking at the YTD amounts.


