Forum Discussion

Sheryl6's avatar
9 months ago

Payroll Hacked

Our payroll was hacked last week.   Staff bank details changed and paid into unknown account.   We were using 2FA and now both are disabled.   No help from MYOB.   This is a serious problem and they are not addressing it.

3 Replies

  • Hi Sheryl6 


    Welcome to the MYOB community!


    We do take security concerns seriously and we'd address them as the top priority. I will reach out via private message to request some detailed information so that we can investigate further. In terms of 2FA I would suggest doing a hard logout, as this would prompt you to log in. You may navigate to Services and select "Sign out from AccountRight."



    If you believe that there may be malicious activity or cybercrime affecting MYOB’s solutions, please report this to us. Further information about MYOB Security commitment can be found here MYOB Security Commitment.



    Priya Selvaraj

  • Same thing has just happened to us!! Did anyone investigate it and refund you the money based on the fraud?

    • AlanT's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hi ChitaBonita and Sheryl6 


      I have a quick question about this, do the employees use the self managing portal for their payroll? 


      If so, is it possible that the employees phone has been hacked and who ever hacked their phone has made these changes?

      Another clue might be to check if more than one employee's details have been changed at the same time.


      Also, I thought that the system administrator was to be notified by email when any details about an employee are changed?


      PriyaSelvaraj  Haydes  Does the audit function in MYOB allow you to view which login was used to change the bank details?  This too would help identify where the compromise has come from.


