Forum Discussion
Hi lynwong
Our teams investigations into that error indicate it is caused by out-of-date Windows versions and security certificates. To confirm if this is causing your issue check the diagnostic log for the following error:
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
If the diagnostic log shows that error make sure Windows and security updates are completed. You can also try putting your company file online to report STP.
If the diagnostic log contains a different error please provide a screenshot of that log so I can assist further.
If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.
Found this issue when PC running MYOB was either on
windows 8.1 PC
Server edition on Server 2012 R2
standalone or cloud data file was the same issue
Solution, that worked for us
if running local data file:
we copied data file to windows 10 computer running MYOB 2022.9 and worked
or cloud data file
we ran MYOB 2022.9 on windows 10 PC and connected to cloud file and worked
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