Forum Discussion

debrowling's avatar
5 years ago

Reversed a pay, but Super had already been processed

An employee of one of my clients submitted the incorrect details for her pay (she worked extra hours). I've gone and reversed the pay per the the appropriate help article.   However, prior to findi...
  • Emily_B's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hello debrowling 


    Just to clarify I am following this: Pay 1 was processed for, let's say $500. It was later realized it should have been $550. Super for the $500 was paid out at $61.46. The $500 was reversed, the correct $550 was paid, and now Super is showing $77.95 against that $550, rather than just the $16.46 reflective of the extra $50?


    Please see this Help Article on Checking and Adjusting Superannuation, which will walk you through the steps to fix a super payment. You should be able to manually adjust the figures on a void pay for the employee and pay the $16.46 that remains owed. If however this process does not seem to be working and that $77.95 does not adjust as required, you would be looking at reversing the $61.46 transaction following the steps outlined in Reversing and reprocessing superannuation payments. You could then pay the $77.95 in full.