3 years agoTrusted Cover User
Salary sacrifice not showing in my records after payroll processed
I have done my first salary sacrifice pay, the entire amount of $2500 was salary sacrificed, meaning the pay is nil. I can't find any record of this transaction in Myob, I have run payroll reports, ...
- 3 years ago
I had to ring Myob today to get this issue sorted, and it was a simple mistake on my part that caused the entries to not be recorded.
FYI - the pay cheque is $0.00 and Myob asks "do you want to record this" just before the ATO authority pop up screen appears - I was clicking NO instead of YES, so although it appears that its going to the ATO its actually going nowhere real quick because it doesn't exist.
I was just a little too quick when processing this yesterday, and obviously not paying enough attention, but when redone today, clicked YES to record, I was able to find all the records related to the two payslips -Yay!