Forum Discussion

AP06's avatar
Experienced User
16 days ago

Setting up an "Unpaid Leave" Payroll category


 I am trying to set up an Unpaid Leave category for all employees (Both on Salary and Hourly Rates) when I select "Automatically Adjust Salary and Base hour details" it doesn't adjust the total salary when I process a payroll. e.g Employee on a salary of $1600.00 takes 2 hours without pay - $1600.00 does not change. What am I missing ?

Thanks AP

1 Reply

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi there AP06


    To set up an Unpaid Leave category for both salaried and hourly employees, you'll want to make sure you have everything set correctly. When you select "Automatically Adjust Salary and Base hour details," it should adjust the total salary accordingly when processing payroll. If you're finding it's not adjusting as expected (like in your example where $1600.00 stays the same), double-check the setup of your wage category. Here's a link for detailed steps that you can follow. If there's anything you need assistance with, feel free to post again.


    Best regards,
