Forum Discussion

acc23's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

Something went wrong at our end Sorry about that. You'll need to come back later and try again.

Hi, can anyone tell me please why the above message keeps appearing when i go into the Payroll reporting Centre? It's been happening since thursday last week. 




18 Replies

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  • Hello acc23 

    Are you able to please send a console log when the error pops up? I have linked our Help Article which will give instructions on
     how to get the console log

    Once you have done that, are you able to please try logging into the web browser version of AccountRight at in your Google Chrome browser and see if the same issue happens?

    Please let me know how you go.

    • NardiaPlumbing's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Chris, I have tried logging a console log, however, there is not an actual "error" message, just not able to connect to the ATO via the payroll and the attached message appears instead of the boxes to enter your name and submit to the ATO. Just as you see attached.

    • acc23's avatar
      Contributing User

      In my web browser, i dont get the same message it lets me in..

  • NardiaPlumbing's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi the same thing is happening to me. Although it is ok in the chrome browser just not on MYOB. And the other lady I work with, her MYOB is fine!

    • acc23's avatar
      Contributing User

      did you get it sorted at all?

  • Michael_H's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I received the same message today (Wednesday) trying to lodge payroll for several entities on several computers. It appears the problem is wide spread. For the support - windows 10 physical and virtual machines, latest updates and patches applied.