Forum Discussion

Mummsy's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 years ago

Unable to reverse super payment

Today I attempted to reverse my super payment to reprocess it as 1 super fund has recently changed.

I went to Manage Payments, clicked on the Payment arrow. Then I clicked on Edit and Reverse pay Superannuation and clicked Ok to Reverse the transaction. Clicked on Record Reversal. The right hand coloumn came up with a red x's against the date (26/4/2022 - original payment date).  When I hover over the X , it says "Error  You can't record transactions dated in the lock period. The lock period is specified in the security tab etc". When I check the preference window, the lock period is prior to 30/6/2021.


I can probably change the dates, process, then change back. But I don't understand why I should need to do this!

  • Hi Mummsy 

    We are aware of this issue where users can be presented with this error incorrectly. Our teams are working on fixing this permanently, in the meanwhile, please untick the lock period preference, reverse the super payment and then tick the lock period back again.

    Let us know if you have further questions on this.

  • Hi Mummsy 

    We are aware of this issue where users can be presented with this error incorrectly. Our teams are working on fixing this permanently, in the meanwhile, please untick the lock period preference, reverse the super payment and then tick the lock period back again.

    Let us know if you have further questions on this.

    • Sal999's avatar
      Contributing Cover User
      Hi Komal, I have just started having the same problem with the lock periods for a super payment reversal. It has not happened with other super reversals i have processed the past few months, it has just started. I understand the solution you have given previously but due to my company security protocols I will not be able to do that. How else can this be reversed & paid? What the the time frame for the fix to be in place? Please advise. Thanks
      • Komal_S's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi Sal999 

        As the super payment reversals are getting blocked due to the lock date preference, the only workaround would be unticking the preference temporarily, processing the reversal and then ticking it back again. If you do not have the permissions to do so, I would recommend getting it arranged from the Administrator or Owner of the file.