Forum Discussion

DuncanS's avatar
Ultimate Partner
10 months ago

Partner Program Changes Sept 23 - Dec 23

My Partner Manager changed again at end December 2023.

No advice has been received and I do not know who my Partner Manager is.


I understand the Partner Search was cancelled at the end of September 2023.

Have been with MYOB for some 25 years and never appeared on the Partner Search.

Only CC's appeared on the Partner Search - one has to ask why that was?

A email from MYOB mentions that Business Owners use a Google Search or similar to find a Tax/BAS Agent.

Were Partners involved in the decision to cease the Partner Search or was the decision made by MYOB without Partner Consultation?


I understand the Certfied Consultant Status ceased on 31 December 2023.

Are CC's to stop using the Certified Consultant Term?

The Financial Review of 16 February 2024 had a article about MYOB.

I recall that a former Partner of the Year was mentioned in the article as being a CC.


An email from MYOB was received on Friday 16 February 2024.

A Partner can become a Certified Practice by completing MYOB Business Certification and MYOB Business Payroll Certification.

The email of 16 February 2024 states 'You, or a staff member, simply needs to complete the following training to qualify'.

I disagree with the use of the word simply.


In the second half of 2023, I undertook the Business Certification course.

The Courses are online and the internet is often interrupted.

About 80% of the course was irrelevant to the day to day operation of my practice.  

I asked questions/made suggestions to MYOB Training - My observation is that there was very little interest in my progress or improving the course. Noone asked why I did not complete the course. 


While we live in the world of the internet/automation, my view of business is that one should still take a interest 

 in one's customers.


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