GazzaA's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Display: Tablet display

Since purchasing my MS Surface Pro 2 tablet a few weeks ago, I have been grappling with the poor presentation from AR Live with the high resolution provide by default in Windows 8.1.


After many hours of testing various resolutions & DPI settings I have now been able to settle on a compromised Display setting of 130%. Anything smaller makes all fonts too small to read. If I use the default setting of 150% various input fields overlap which makes the software useless.


I would like to suggest with the growing use of mobile devices by businesses, MYOB upgrade AR Live to be able to handle the higher resolution now applying to many applications.  This should also include the ability to magnify any window as needed to be able to read on a tablet. I believe an Upgrade to 8.1 is due in early April which may only exacerbate the issue.


"AR Live for use on a Tablet using Windows 8.1 (MS Surface Pro 2)"


  • First of all I don't think a vote is really necessary, MYOB should already be rolling out a solution already IMO. High resolution tablets / hybrids are hear to stay, so its time to get with it guys or face loosing customers.


    Also at the rate that Windows 10 is being rolled out, I'd like to see a new MYOB app developed utilising modern UI practices.

  • I have just purchased a Lenovo Ultrabook with a 13" screen and am amazed to find MYOBstill have not fixed this issue.  even with the workaround, its hardly user friendly!  MYOB need to sort this out asap!  I hear XERO callling me....

  • Hi garfield13


    Thank you for your feedback in regards to this idea 

    Along with commenting for an idea on the AccountRight Idea Exchange you can show your support by voting. To vote for an idea select the + VOTE button to the left of the idea's name.

  • Hi MatthewT


    Thank you for your feedback in regards to this idea. I've shared your feedback with the team.


  • Hi Julesssss

    Thank you for your feedback in regards to this idea.

    I'm sorry to hear that AccountRight is not as intended on the your new device. You might like to take a look at Help Article: Fixing display issues. While it does contain information on workarounds these don't work for an users and devices.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    We've made some great improvements to how AccountRight displays on tablets, as well as other high resolution displays in our 2015.4 update. We encourage anyone using a tablet or high resolution laptop to try out 2015.4. You can find out more about this and the other fantastic changes we've made on our AccountRight blog.