SMEowner's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Forms: Pay slip - Show total annual salary including Superannuation

Ability to print on an employees payslip the total salary (salary + super) as an annual figure. The current paylsip gives the excluding SUPER total, which confuses employees considering industry talks in INCLUDING super terms.

"TOTAL Salary Package (inc Super) appear on Payslip"


  • Status changed:
    Hi SMEowner Thank you for your feedback into the AccountRight programs The ability to enter a superannuation amount + annual salary to get the total salary would make it clearer for employees that do get paid a salary including super to understand their payslips. I encourage other users that would like to see this idea included in future updates of the program to vote and comment if required.
  • LMX's avatar
    Cover User

    Hi, I would also like to see this feature.  I included an extra text box on my payslip which states the phrase (plus Super Guarantee of 9.5%) to cover employees who receive a salary that includes super payment.  It is frustrating to have the salary stated on their payslip (appears as the amount less the super) as less than what is on their contract.  Can MYOB please fix it?  The only other alternative I guess would be to set up a customised pay-slip for each employee who receives salary incl. super, and actually manually type in the amount of their salary....

  • Z_Wells's avatar
    Contributing Cover User



    I too need to be able to show salary inclusive of super on the payslip. It would also help if MYOB would calculate super based on the total salary rather than having to calculate the salary and super components manually before entering the figures into the MYOB employee card.





  • Hi there Z_Wells,


    Thanks for your comment; I have passed it along to the product development team and they have taken note. Please do keep the comments and votes coming.

  • Hi Jackson11


    The current status of this idea is 'Under Consideration', our developers are definitely considering the possibility of adding this option, however we do not have a time frame available at this stage. We will be updating the status when we have more details.