MelK1's avatar
Contributing User
6 months ago

Payroll Tax in More than One State

Can you please enable the Payroll Tax calcuation function to differentiate between States?


I have employees in QLD and NSW - and calculating Payroll Tax at the end of the month is a tedious process of extracting Activity Detail Report into spreadsheets to split the data how it needs reporting, then running Category Transactions to make sure I still balance.


There is no report that gives the information I need that also identifies employees so that I can split the figures between employees in NSW and QLD.

1 Comment

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi MelK1,


    Thank you for sharing your product idea in our forum. We truly appreciate your input.


    I understand how beneficial it would be to have a specific report for each state to help in data creation. Your suggestion has been noted and will be made visible to our development team for consideration.


    Please feel free to start a new thread if you need any further assistance. We're always here to help.


