NeilA's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Sales: Invoice rounding on unit price

Description: We are selling in units of each
with unit cost say.08112 and when printing the invoice it only shows a rounded
number where the extension is correct to the quantities sold but customers are
checking the price on the invoice and recalculating and reducing the invoice
value and short paying. I have had a couple of phone conversations with Myob help line and are told it cant be fixed ! Surely it can? as we sell everything
by each and the parts in cents. I don't really want to give money away and
understand the customers point of view but it is costing me money now can
someone look into it or someone suggest a soloution? I have put a comment on the invoices saying it rounds up
at point of invoicing but they still deduct and short pay. thanks Neil


"invoice rounding"


  • This is a critical issue as it is a basic business function and a basic stock function!!! Please have it fixed for the next udpdate as it is having a critical impact on our business. Please

  • I believe this is a critical issue that is effecting my stock values as we use inventory. As you can use the calculator function (say to invoice out goods) It appears to me that the system is entering a calculated figure into stock (say you enter in 1/3 of an item it records it as .3333333333) I think there are bugs in the system where it is allowing portions of stock to be invoiced out and then when stock is booked in; there are left over small fractions of stock.


    I keep getting error messages saying if I process a Purchase order it will result in negative stock. t MYOB is not supposed to let you process anything that results in negative stock! Well it must be letting it do it somewhere... this is so strange. Here is a screen dump showing item code stock and you can quite clearly see there is a negative stock value for  HUSL0620.



    Item REgister breakdown shows this occurred somehow due to a rounding issue. Ie. 22/7/13 Purchased 1.16 kg, but invoiced out 1.162kg.

    The system has allowed that invoice to occur, but has recorded a -.002 stock value.






  • Colleen's avatar
    Valued Partner

    Very important to my clients who have items of inventory that are sometimes a fraction of a cent.  e.g. electronic components.  

  • Hi Woftam, thank you for your feedback. 


    The main focus of our Development Team has been working on improving the speed of the program due to the vast majority of feedback being directed from that area. With 2013.3 the speed across most areas has increased significantly and 2013.4 should have similar results for the Payroll section. With this being improved out Development Team can now focus more attention on implementing changes that are suggested here.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Kind Regards,
    Matthew - MYOB Client Support.

  • Hi Dannad, thank you for your feedback.

    What you're referring to is separate from what NeilA has suggested, your issue is caused by an error in the program that was part of an earlier version which we have since corrected and you can resolve this by updating to 2013.1. I'll send you a private message to confirm the details of this.


    Kind Regards,
    Matthew - MYOB Client Support.

  • There is more than one thread on this very problem. A problem that has existed for 6 months. No other previous version of MYOB had this problem.

    It isn't good enough. Here we have a major upgrade & I was hoping I would no longer have to white out the unit prices in my invoices, but no nothing has been done. Looks like I will be changing software.

    Very dissapointed that a basic function of business (correct invoicing) has not been addressed as a matter of urgency.

  • Status changed:
    Thanks for your suggestion. We can understand your frustration here and are keen to hear what others think. Please add any votes and comments below.
  • Dannad's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I'm having a similar problem with the way spend money (and presumably all calculations) works.  Any calculation extends to several decimal points, but it should just round off the 2 decimal places.