Eric_T's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

User Access: Restrict access to payroll should flow through to electronic payments and bank register



i've restricted use from the payroll area & that appears to work just fine.


payroll is paid via electronic payments and the net pay for all staff shows up there.


so i have to switch off access to electronic payments too - this is more than i wish to do.


suggest restricting payroll access includes the associated electronic payments only.


'Payroll User Access"


  • It is now July 2017 and this is still an issue. 


    Is MYOB considering a solution to this security issue?

  • Yes I totally agree.  We have an accounts lady who will be doing all the Accounts receivalbe and Payable and I will have to block access to all electronic payments so she can't see the Payroll payments. I manged to block the access to drill into those payments however it shows the name and amount, not very clever.  The only option is I will have to process the electronic payments or run two companies.


    I think this is an important issue.

    There seems to be a tick box in the Supplier Banking area for Electronic Payments however it doesn't seem to isolate just EP for suppliers. Even though when you create an Electronic Payment it asks you what type you want to do?

  • Bil's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I could not agree more with your sentiments. I am surprised by how casual (wreckless) MYOB is being about such a huge change in their software without having given warning to their migrating customers. We surely would NOT have migrated to the web version had we known about all these security issues and privacy breaches.


    MYOB simply doesnt seem to care?! It is a different company to the one we started with almost 20 years gao.

  • mumow's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Keep looking, because the "gapping holes" are in more places than first imagined. The breach in privacy is unbelievable in a brand new application! I spent many hours orchestrating the contact log feature to be utilised on our non for profit organisation - it was brilliant under Premier V9. Now, everyone and anyone can open each employees card file & see all their wage details....unbelievable!! I have had to restrict staff to a ridiculous level (some of which felt offended) just to disable the payroll details. NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!

  • Bil's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    It is FAR WORSE than a mear annoyance. I have received a legal warning from an employee that it places our company in a position of violating our obligation to keep personal employee data confidential, safe and secure. It puts employers in clear breach of the Privacy Act (1988 Cwlth) and Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act (2012 QLD).


    It is a serious misrepresentation for MYOB to sell AccountRight Premier Cloud version as virtually the same look, feel and function and PC-based Premier 19 and to have such a huge gaping hole with no fix or work-around. I could not be more disappointed.


    This is a drastic difference between the old and new software and a clear case of misleading and possibly deceptive marketing. If it were possible for us to fall back, we would. But of course MYOB doesn't offer that option. We don't mind putting up with the minor bugs and glitches. For the most part the software is functionally equivalent to the PC-based version that MYOB strongly encouraged me to abandon. There are even a few nifty improvements and features. But this huge difference that puts critical personal and confidential data in clear view of unauthorized users is a MAJOR ISSUE that I hope will be address as a matter of urgency.


    PLEASE FIX NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bil's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    YES. We strongly insist that it is vital to be able to block user access to payroll transaction details in the bank register.


    Our company has been long-time users of MYOB accounting software for 20 years. About two years ago, we upgraded from MYOB Premier 19 to AccountRight Premier cloud based.


    In our old PC based Premier 19, only the Administrator and employees given the Payroll access could see paycheque transactions in the Bank Register. Employees without Payroll authorization that were given Bank Register access could see all deposits and cheques in the Bank Register except pay cheques. They were just invisible (although the balance shown was correct--just not the Payroll transactions). This was perfect--just the way we want it.

    We upgraded to AccountRight Premier a couple of years ago and gave employees the same relevant Bank access and kept the Payroll access to just the Administrator and Manager (same as in Premier 19). However I just discovered that employees without the Payroll user access can now see the Payroll cheque transactions in the Bank Register Window. If they try to open one, it gives and error stating: "Sorry you don't have access..." but these employees can still see the details of the Paycheque in the Bank Register window.


    This is WRONG and very different to the way Premier worked?!!!! It is a matter of urgency that MYOB should provide a work-around (blank the party names or amounts or both) or offer some method to make the software work the way they promised it would. When we upgraded from PC-based MYOB Premier 19 to AccountRight Premier Cloud, we were promised that the product was "virtually identical in function and use with the added benefit of cloud hosting..." I can't tell you how disappointed I am to discover that MYOB would make such a serious and drastic change in procedure without at least notifying its customers. 


    This is URGENT. Please fix it NOW!!!!



  • mumow's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Couldnt agree with you more Heather. You can't even customise reports "privately", every time I try to set up relief staff I hit a wall!!

  • HeatherDBS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Not just payroll, but individual aspects of each command centre and reports as per v19 which was so easily customised. Now it's a hotch-potch of all or nothing and while there is an option to add custom reports which we can give access to, if someone has access to custom reports, they have access to ALL custom reports which defeats the purpose of customising access.

  • In MYOB AccountRight Premier V19, we can restrict users on viewing on anything that is related to payroll transactions (eg: employee card file with payroll infromation and bank transactions with payroll information) yet they can still use the function of General ledger [detail' report, "Find Transactions by Accounts, Card File etc" and they can also view all the transactions on the bank reconciliation page besides all the payroll transactions.


    It would be great if this feature is adopted in the AccountRight Live version. The lack of feature has created a lot of problems for companies requiring to set up this sort of access among their staff. The alternative of creating a payroll file in a seperate file is a very big costly exercicse, especially if we have a lot of employees.


    Please vote for this to be in the next release of updates!

    • WacossFinance's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      This needs to be implemented asap please. I'm prevented from delegating data entry tasks because I can't keep payroll data in the general ledger hidden in any user role


    • mumow's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      The contact log also gives access to Payroll if it is unchecked! We have just realised details of employees pays are accessed through the card file contact log, even though payroll is restricted & employee cards are restricted. This is another inefficient aspect of this new program! Now staff cannot access this function, which we use on a regular basis. Account Right needs some serious work!!

    • mumow's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I agree, the fact the Payroll file can be accessed so easily is a gross invasion of privacy, which has caused a huge amount of concern in our company & is an unbelievable oversight by MYOB. If I check Payroll as NOT to be view or accessed, that is exactly what I expect. I was horrified to realise this was not the case once we updated to AccountRight Live. even though considerable time was taken to "screen" access by other employees. Please rectify as a matter of urgency.

      EwGAP wrote:

      In MYOB AccountRight Premier V19, we can restrict users on viewing on anything that is related to payroll transactions (eg: employee card file with payroll infromation and bank transactions with payroll information) yet they can still use the function of General ledger [detail' report, "Find Transactions by Accounts, Card File etc" and they can also view all the transactions on the bank reconciliation page besides all the payroll transactions.


      It would be great if this feature is adopted in the AccountRight Live version. The lack of feature has created a lot of problems for companies requiring to set up this sort of access among their staff. The alternative of creating a payroll file in a seperate file is a very big costly exercicse, especially if we have a lot of employees.


      Please vote for this to be in the next release of updates!