Sinbad's avatar
12 years ago

Banking: Allocating multiple bank transfers to the one payroll transaction

Hi there,

I recently experienced an issue where my payroll was entered correctly, but the payroll officer made erroneous take home bank transfers to the staff.  As soon as she realised her mistake, she made a second transaction to those staff members that were underpaid to ensure that they received the correct take home amount. So, everything is correct - it's just that some staff were paid for one pay week in two transactions.


Unfortunately, the MYOB live Accounts does not allow you to allocate multiple bank transfers to the one payroll transaction.  I thought there must be a way, so I went onto online support to see if they could help.  As it turns out there is no way and the recommendation was to redo 2 payrolls to precisely match the two net amounts remitted.  I believe that this is a very poor solution.  The integrity of the payroll records should be maintained.  The payroll record is absolutely correct.  It records the hours worked, gross, tax, super and take home pay.  It's just that the take home pay was paid in 2 transactions.  I should not have to fabricate 2 payroll runs to match the two bank transfers.  I strongly believe that the accounting software should allow the allocation of multiple bank transfers to the one payroll transaction.


The software already allows for employees to receive pay "split" into seperate amounts within the Employee Pay setup section - but this is not the same scenario.


Additionally, some staff were overpaid.  In order to adjust for this, the payroll officer paid a lesser amount (by the amount of the overpayment from the previous week) in the following weeks pay to those overpaid staff members.  In this event, we have 2 payroll runs and two payments.  The individual transactions for the two weeks do not match, but they do reconcile precisely to the right payment having been remitted.


I think basically what needs to be able to happen is that any payment should be able to be allocated to any outstanding payroll transactions (or part there of).


Would be interested to hear developer thoughts on this.


"Allocating multiple bank transfers to the one payroll transaction"


  • Hannah_V's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi ShavoneS thank you for your post. 


    In MYOB Business you can match multiple payroll transactions to one bank feed transaction by clicking on the expand arrow > Match transaction and selecting the payroll transactions. If the payroll transactions don't appear to be matched, go to Banking >Find transactions > locate a payroll transaction > click on the reference number to open the transaction and check the account selected in the Account field and the Payment method.


    If the selected account is the correct bank account, in the Bank transactions window click on Match transactions and change the Show filter to All transactions.


    If the Payment method is Electronic, the account will be the electronic clearing account. We've added the ability to pay suppliers electronically so the process for electronic payments has changed. You will now need to set up electronic payments and process the electronic payment transaction, you can then match the electronic payment transaction to the bank feed transaction. These Help Articles have detailed information:

    Setting up electronic payments

    Making electronic payments




    • The original idea was regarding multiple bank transactions being matched to a single payroll transaction. The response provided is not relevant. Would be good to get a proper update...

    • Please re open and provide update. Would like to know if this will ever be implemented.

      • AmandaCL's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hey nowantusername

        We've archived this idea as it relates to MYOB Live Accounts which is an old product MYOB no longer supports. 

  • cleanoptions's avatar
    Experienced User

    As much as MYOB programmers want to say this is an old problem, this is a very real problem in the present MYOB software - obviously one they were not bothered to fix in the new editions -  along with a numerous amount of issues that the programmers (who are not book keepers nor data entry personnel) have changed in the way all data entry is carried out in last month.  I can understand why business are changing to other programs.