Marlcomp's avatar
11 years ago

Spend money: Save & Copy option

Can you please add the option to Save & Copy to the Spend Money/Receive Money - like you have it setup now in Sales and Expenses - very useful when entering lots of Petty Cash Transactions  ie parking, milk etc or entering interest on bank accounts that cannot be setup for Bank Feed.


"Spend Money/Receive Money - Add a Save & Copy option like Sales and Expenses"


  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    MYOB Essentials allows users to record the current Spend money transaction and copy it for the next transaction through the Record and copy option within the Spend money window.

  • In Lou of recurring transactions- this would be really helpful 

  • It would be great if Duplicate button could be added to the Spend Money form that works in exctly the same manner as the existing Duplicate button on the Invoice form.     

    This feature would allow users to use any existing Spend Money transaction as a template for new transaction. It would save a lot of time and effort when recreating recurring transactions such as quarterly Business Activity statements.

  • Suggestion to our software developers: When entering in "Spend Money" and "Receive Money", there is a "Save and Add" option. As I frequently enter many "Transfer Funds", it would be a useful option to "Save and Add". 

  • Hi 


    I'm new to the Online Essentials. Just wondering how I can repeat the previous entry's date and description when entering transactions in spend money?





  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Thank you for your comments, BFT. This idea is currently under consideration. We hope to be able to add the Save & Copy / Save & Add options to more areas in future updates. 


    Do post again should you have any further queries. 

  • And add this function to 'Transfer money' also.  Plus when entering a supplier's payment - there is only an option to save - please put an option to 'save & add' for this section as well.  Currently it takes you back to the list of expenses & then you either select the expense to be paid -> enter payment  vs Expenses -> Enter supplier payment (rather than just immediately going onto the next suppliers payment.

  • Status changed:
    Hi Marlcomp Thank you for your feedback into MYOB Essentials. The additions of adding a Save & copy option to Spend Money and Receive Money transactions will make data entry easier. I do encourage other users that wish to see is feature added to future releases of the program to vote and comment if required.