AlanT's avatar
Ultimate Partner
21 days ago

More flexibility required in Report Packs

Hello MYOB Developers,


I have attempted to setup a 'Library' of Report Packs to suit my client's various needs.  In doing so I firstly created a number of different Custom Reports, for example; Annual Profit and Loss, Quarterly profit and loss, Quarterly profit and loss with last year, etc...


When a custom report is created you nominate a name for the report (which must be unique) and a description which does not need to be unique.  Upon creating all these different PnL reports I have given each a name that has a meaning to me and is unique.  In the description field, I have simply entered Profit and Loss Report.


When these reports are included in a Report Pack, they should be using the Description field for the Table of Contents - not the report name as that is the description of the report.


While I am on this subject, any files that are imported into a report shows in the Table of Contents as it's  file name.  This should be editable so that it is meaningful to the client reading the reports rather than simply 'FineName.pdf" which is very unprofessional.




  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator
    Status changed:

    Hey AlanT

    Thanks for your post! I'll be sharing this one with our product teams and have updated the status to open for other members of our community to vote and add weight to your idea!