Forum Discussion

JHopwood's avatar
5 years ago

N-T general journal not showing on GST reports

Hi- I have entered a general journal and selected "display in GST BAS report as: purchase" using the tax code N-T. However, when i create either the GST summary accrual or the GST detail accrual report it doesn't show the transaction as existing at all. I am aware because it is N-T technically it doesn't effect my BAS lodgement but I would assume since MYOB is asking how to display it in the GST/BAS report that it would still be included in the report?


Can someone please clarify if I am missing something. 



  • Hi JHopwood 


    The tax code N-T is a not reportable tax code and thus transactional lines marked with that tax code will not appear in the GST based reports. The exception to that is if is a reportable line on the transaction (i.e. GST) then you will report the N-T portion.

    In terms of the Display in GST [BAS] reports option in the Record Journal Entry it is a required field for those transactions recorded via this window to denote how AccountRight will display the transaction. However, for those transactions that are only N-T transactions (i.e. all transactions have N-T as their tax code) then that selected option will not impact the GST or BAS reports.

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  • Hi JHopwood 


    The tax code N-T is a not reportable tax code and thus transactional lines marked with that tax code will not appear in the GST based reports. The exception to that is if is a reportable line on the transaction (i.e. GST) then you will report the N-T portion.

    In terms of the Display in GST [BAS] reports option in the Record Journal Entry it is a required field for those transactions recorded via this window to denote how AccountRight will display the transaction. However, for those transactions that are only N-T transactions (i.e. all transactions have N-T as their tax code) then that selected option will not impact the GST or BAS reports.

    • JHopwood's avatar

      Great- thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated.