pH's avatar
Trusted Cover User
10 years ago

Print/Email Pay slips: Scale Print/Email Window to add extra space

The email window for payslips is very small and needs resizing so that we can see more of our employees.  There does not seem to be a reason as to why this window is so small.

I guess that this will be ignored like all my other suggestions have been, but I live in hopes.



"email window for payslips"


  • Status removed:

    Hi pH 

    Thank you for your idea in regards to the Print/Email Pay Slips

    Are you talking about the number of payslips in the window or you just want the column expanded to see more information about your employees  i.e. the Payee column wider?

    Also just a mention in regards to your comment regarding your ideas being ignored. All ideas on the AccountRight Idea Exchange are passed onto the development team. We do place the majority of ideas in under consideration so that MYOB Community can vote and comment on them. This allows us to get a better understanding of the number of users that would like to see an idea included. The higher the number of votes an idea has the more demand it has and therefore the higher the chance it will be developed. This doesn't mean that only the ones with the most votes will get developed. All ideas are passed on and judged on their merits by the development team  and the MYOB Community. 

  • pH's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    When you choose email your payslips the window that opens is very small and only shows a small number of your emplyees.  The rest of the page is empty so resizing this window would save us having to scroll down more to see if we have indeed got all of our employees to be emailed.


    I still don't believe that much notice is taken of our ideas so much so I rarely bother anymore as there is NO feedback on a submitted idea, or anything to indicates its progress or rejection.



  • Status added:

    Hi pH 

    Thank you for the clarification of your idea. 

    I would encourage other members of the MYOB Community that would like to see the idea of allowing the To be Emailed Pay Slips window to display more lines to vote for this idea and comment if required.

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    The To be Email tab of Print/Email Payslips will dynamically scale allowing additional employees to been seen with the increase of the window. This was included in the the release of AccountRight 2015.2 and later.


    AccountRight 2015.1


    AccountRight 2015.2