ActionCranes's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Statements: Send to Disk/PDF

You should be able to save statements to disk like you can do with sales!


"saving custom statements"


  • Due to the Windows 10 PDF compatibility issue with AccountRight 2018...
    The function to printing via Windows PDF distorts the PDF quality and thus, not able to create an output that provides the end client with a satisfactory quality document being the statement.
    A workaround is to change PDF printer to another one, how-ever this uses the 'default' form only with no ability to select a different form.

    Currently to get the statement to print/email using the correct form & resolution quality. We're having to change the email address to the business owner herself, email it and then save it on the computer prior to sending it on to the customer. 

    While the ability to send to customer directly is available, it doesn't allow for adding any other attachments to the invoice prior to sending.

    Any way to add 'Save to disk' function on customer statements, ability to select different forms or add in ability to add attachments prior to emailing?

    • KarendeBres's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      If this feature could be added it would be wonderful, and would also keep up with the technology being offered by Xero in this area

  • boundtoimpress's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    We like do some additional processing around Statements (ie checking!) that mean it would be great to render out the Statements as PDFs. At the moment we can only Print or Send email. So it would be very useful to either provide a means to 'Send to Disk' statements which would either create a split set of invoices or an all in one file.


    Being able to do this through a 'RenderasPDF' API (similar to Invoice) would be even better in our case so we can do furhter automation around statement creation and distribution.

  • Ash_Rainer's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Agreed, saving to disk should be an option.  I've found the quickest workaround to be to Print, but don't select a printer; instead, select Cute PDF (free download) and save to disk that way. 

  • JennyM40's avatar
    Experienced User

    Please please, could we have a send to disk option for statements?  It would be so much easier and eliminate the very poor quality rendering that we experience whichever PDF printer we use. 


  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    The AccountRight Browser interface allows users to download a PDF of their customer's statements through the Sales>>Customer Statements>>Selecting the desired customers and then selecting Download PDF.