Forum Discussion

AEH2's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago

Paying Allowance to Separate Bank Account

We have a new employee starting with us who may from time to time be asked to travel for work and when he is away is entitled to a travel allowance.  He has asked for only his travel allowance to be paid to a separate bank account. Given that the amount will vary from pay to pay, is this possible? I can only see the option to select a certain value or percentage in the Payment Details tab for the employee card.

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  • Neil_M's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi AEH2 


    Currently AccountRight doesn’t allow for specific wage amounts to be paid in specific accounts for a user. This does mean you’d be looking at having to either do it manually through your internet banking portal or through this workaround:


    In terms of doing it within the software, if you were using bank files to make the payments, the only way youd be able to do it would be to record the normal pay with their normal bank account in the payment details and create the bank file for that transaction


    Then the allowance would need to be paid, and this would involve updating the bank account details on the card to the other account, recording the payment and creating the bank file to the new account. You’ll also have to remember to reenter the bank account back to the original account once you’ve finished paying the allowance