Forum Discussion

drdiff's avatar
Contributing Cover User
3 years ago




I have been on the phone and live web chat yesterday and have a case number 00991472  13.4.22

I was able to process the super payment on the 8.4.22 and the money has been debited from our bank account on the same day.  The manage super payments screen still show processing on the 14.4.22


I have 2 different company files one has gone through fine but the 2nd company is still pending processing.


I also received an email yesterday saying ACTION REQUIRED log in to accept Pay super Changes, When I log in nothing comes up ???  Where do you check to see if the Product disclosure statement has been signed, as I am not getting eny Messages in pay super screen to accept ???   Call centre advised just to ingnore the email.


Can someone please tell me what is going on, as I am concerned and I am not getting any answers as to why it is taking so long, or what the problem is.  I DONT WANT A FINE FOR LATE SUPER



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  • Hi drdiff,


    I had exactly the same problem as you with the Manage Payments window showing "Processing Payment". I processed my Pay Super on the 7.4.22 and the funds were also debited the same day. I raised the same concerns with MYOB as you are now. This morning the 14.4.22 my window is now showing "Completed".


    It appears to take around 5-6 business days for the Manage Payments window to update to "Completed".


    If you get no errors when processing your Pay Super i.e like a red cross next to an employees name and the funds are debited from your bank account by MYOB, then there is no reason why your Super payment should not go through.


    In regards, to the request to action your super details, I have now received 3 of these emails. If you have previously accepted this, then I would just ignore any new emails requesting the same thing. However, if you log in and go to the Payroll area and check your super details and any of it is wrong, you can edit it there. If you have already actioned this previously and have successfully made a super payment since doing so, again I would ignore these repeated emails.