Forum Discussion

RayJordan's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

STP Phase 2



I have run the Check Payroll Details for STP Phase 2 within AccountRight  and everything is ok. Cool.


When I press the Get Started button, a message tells me that our file needs to be online.




Some time ago I put our file online and AccountRight became so slow that it was practically unusable.

Our file is quite large - about 300MB.


In short, I do not want to put our file online. What now?


Thank you,


21 Replies

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  • Hi RayJordan 


    Single Touch Payroll v2 setup and payroll reporting centre are stored in conjunction with the AccountRight Browser interface. As a result, you would need to have the company file stored in the cloud to set up the use of STP v2 in the cloud.


    You can upload the file to the cloud via File>>Go Online (Upload this File).

    Please note: That unlike STP v1 the company file does need to be stored in the cloud. There is is no STP v2 offline functionality.

    • RayJordan's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Steven_M 


      Thanks for your reply, but I don't understand about the browser interface. We use desktop AccountRight and as far as I can tell, there is no browser involved. Could you please explain further?


      I know how to put our file online, as I mentioned I have done it before (several years ago). But, as I also mentioned, AccountRight became very slow. As I recall, the solution suggested to me was to delete most of our transaction history to reduce the file size. That "solution" was then, and is now, an unacceptable work-around.


      Should I expect my experience to be different this time? 


      Thank you,


      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

         Hi RayJordan 


        The browser interface is available to online company files and allows users to access their business data while on the go and from other devices such as mobile. Help Article: Access an AccountRight company file in a web browser has more information on that topic.


        In terms of online performance, we have had some speed and performance improvements along with workflow changes to the product as a whole (both cloud and desktop) with some recent versions. As such we do recommend giving it a go now. 


        If you do have a large company file or complex business, performance may be impacted. If you are in that situation and do have a large turnover, you may want to consider MYOB Advanced. This is one of our bigger business offerings - while it does have a higher price tag it offers better customisation and is designed to deal with those bigger businesses and their needs better. More information in relation to your bigger business products can be found on our website - we're happy to arrange for one of our team to reach out to you to discuss your suitability if required.