Forum Discussion

Missy1234's avatar
Contributing Cover User
2 years ago

Applying a payment to an invoice


When applying a payment to an invoice it is duplicating the amount and then automatically making a credit - Version Accounright 2022.3


Invoice is open on screen - then when you apply the amount due it is automatically doubling the amount and putting it as a credit.


I Am using Accountright 2022.3

3 Replies

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  • Hi Missy1234 


    How exactly are you applying a payment if the invoice is open. Suggest you close the invoice and use Receive Payments to apply. Does this also create the double up?




    • Missy1234's avatar
      Contributing Cover User


      We have always used this way of receiving payments.  Duplication has only occurred after installing the new version Accountright 2022.3


      We have customers at our counter ordering goods - we invoice them and down bottom of invoice screen we apply paid today amount - how it was paid visa, cash etc - then it come up in paid today column double the price of the sale - so puts a credit amount down on balance due area. Too time consuming to record invoice - open up receive payments screen - find it there - MYOB already slow enough



      • Tracey_H's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Missy1234 


        Entering a payment in the Paid Today field when recording a sale is a shortcut for recording the Receive payments transaction so it's fine to do it that way. 


        I've tried to replicate your issue but my software is updated to 2022.4 and is recording those amounts correctly. If you're still having problems with this can you send a screenshot of the sale transaction and the Receive payments transaction. Please ensure sensitive information is removed from screenshots prior to posting on the Forum.