Forum Discussion

Sgt73rdregt's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

How do you turn off Unpaid Invoice Summaries?

HI, I am trying to turn off the Unpaid Invoice Summaries as frankly they will cause more problems than it is worth! The email I received states: Known issue: Invoice Reminders page is blank. We're aware of an issue that results in some users only seeing a blank page when they click the Invoice Reminders button. We're working to fix this issue. If this affects you, you can open your invoice reminders settings when you access your company file in a web browser - just click your business name > Sales settings > Reminders tab > Reminders settings button.


Well I cannot acces any of the above!! I am using AccountRight Premier and this is so frustrating, MYOB have know about this problem for many months now and no action!!!

3 Replies

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  • Hi Sgt73rdregt 


    As mentioned in your post, we are aware of a situation that does occur with the Invoice Reminders window that the window will be blank and users would not be able to see the information. The workaround is to use the AccountRight Browser interface and the reminder settings page on that which is not impacted by that situation.

    In your post, you indicated that you are not able to access that process. Would you mind providing some more context into that situation i.e. what is occurring when you try to access the browser? Are you able to access the browser but are not able to locate the reminders?

    • Sgt73rdregt's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Steven,


      Have finally managed to log in using the Browser interface, when I went into the reminder settings it was not ticked to automatically send out reminders, I thought this was a defualt setting? Anyway it looks like nothing will be sent out on the 3rd Feb (although I will check on the day).


      Thanks for your reply.


      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Sgt73rdregt 


        Great to hear that you have managed to get into the Browser interface.

        If that Unpaid Invoice Summaries option is unticked (like the below example), your customers shouldn't receive that email. However, do let us know so we can investigate further for you.