Forum Discussion

KK008's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

ABN # not shown on the reports

Hi Doreen,

Thank you for your reply but still not success even the ABN # shown on the Business setting. Please give me further help.

Kenneth Kwok

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, KK008 


    Thanks for your post, and welcome to the MYOB Community Forum.


    Upon further checking, due to browser limitations, ABN cannot be shown on reports. With this, we highly encourage you to please take a moment to post on the MYOB Business/Essentials Ideas Exchange board for consideration. 


    Best regards,


    • DuncanS's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      KK008 Doreen_P 




      It is a fault within MYOB that a ABN is not shown on Financial Reports.

      This has been a on and off problem for say 20 years.




      A workaround is to include the ABN in the address field.

      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi, DuncanS


        Thanks for your post.


        Thank you for sharing the workaround to include the ABN in the address field so that it will show up in the reports. We truly appreciate your continuous support of the MYOB Community Forum.


        Best regards,
