Forum Discussion

Fifitz's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 years ago

Adjusting Leave Balances



It has just been brought to my attention, that holiday and sick has been accruing on travel.

In the accrual holiday & sick I did not have the travel button ticked as exempt. I now need to lower some employees holiday & sick balance as too much was accrued. What is the best way to do this? Can I just use the balance adjustment in their card file.



  • Hello Fifitz 


    You will be able to do an alteration to the leave balance by going to Card File command centre > Cards List, open an employee card > Payroll Details tab > Entitlements. Enter the adjustment needed in the Balance Adjustment column.

    I have attached a Help Article on leave and entitlements for you to have a read-over as well.

    Please let me know how you go.