Forum Discussion

recent_0519's avatar
Experienced Cover User
6 years ago

Hi There, How to process long service leave and annual leave payments through payroll

This Session has Expired error. I've updated MYOB to new vision 2019.1.22.2298. But this problem is still there.

Not sure what to do with it.


Also when try to connect to ATO for STP and there is a problem and can not check and set up.

See below. Not sure why is that. Can someone halp me for this problem? Thanks.


  • recent_0519's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I have installed new version as AccountingRight 2019.1.22.2298 but "The Session has expired" is still on. Not sure what is the problem.


    Also there is another problem with Single Touch Payroll settings. When try to ckeck payroll detail and Connect to ATO and one message shows as: Unable to Connect. I'm a bit worried about STP setting and report.

    Can someone help to fix these problems? I'm not realy sure what to do with it. Thanks.

    Please see message below: