Forum Discussion

jesscccc's avatar
6 months ago

STP finalisation for part year


We used MYOB for payroll at the beginning of the year and moved to Employment Hero (EH) in October. At the time of conversion, there was a choice whether to bring across opening value and we selected no and therefore there is only post October data in EH. (YTD does not include Myob numbers). 

EH STP is now done. 

I am trying to finalise the STP in Myob. What should I do?

I can see Myob asks question if we changed software during the year and ask for the previous software ID. I suppose this does NOT apply to us, as Myob is the previous software? 

Also, do I need to call the ATO to connect MYOB for STP, and connect for EH again? How does it work? 

Thank you for your input. 


  • Hi jesscccc ,


    Sounds like you were in the steps of setting up STP. You only need to transfer the previous BMS ID if you reported STP via another software in the current financial year. You would need to notify the ATO after completing all the steps. For more information, please check Connect to the ATO for Single Touch Payroll reporting.

    However, if you did not submit any STP or there was no accepted STP report in the last financial year, your finalisation may be rejected. You can check a list of rejected ATO error codes in Fix rejected reports in Single Touch Payroll.




  • Hi Mitch, 


    We are not in step of setting up STP. 


    Anyway, I have contacted the ATO to find out the answer. STP connection does not stop unless you have asked the ATO to stop/remove. This means that you can have multiple BMS ID connected to one single entity at the same time. 


    Therefore, you can send your STP finalisation from different software in the same year (if the YTD was not brought over). All you should ensure is that your old software BMS ID is still connected. You can call the ATO (or get your accountant to call) to find out if unsure. 


    In my situation above, all I have done is to finalise STP in MYOB as normal (no need to tick change of software etc.). Employees will have 2 lines on their income statement (1 total for MYOB and 1 total for EH). 


    Link below provide more details, also options when you transfer payroll solutions. 



    • Princess_R's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi jesscccc,


      Thanks for sharing your experience with the ATO and MYOB STP connection. In your case, you're correct that you could just finalise your employees as usual since you didn't carry over any opening value to EH.


      Feel free to get in touch again if you need more help.


