I purchase a new subscription as the company changed its ABN, ACN and Name of Entity on the 1st July 2022.
Initially we used the same dataset by changing the ABN, Company Name, and setup a new Software ID with the ATO to approve the Software . We have already processed 3x payruns.
An employee was on his MYGOV and he noticed for the 2022-2023, there were 2x idential wages for both the old entity and the new entity. However upon checking with MYOB support, we were advise we needed to purchase a new licence. We did that, setup a new Software ID for STP and process the 4th payrun only in the new subscription. That same employee now advised us that he has 3x wages appearing in his income statement. The latest wages or the third one is a duplicate YTD amount. We have attempted to capture the BMIS reference from ATO portal and "Updated the Event", we received an error. The employees MyGOV is still displaying 3x sets of wages for 2022-2023 financial year.
I would like a quote from MYOB to fix the above, Can you advise ASAP please?