Forum Discussion

WilliamHam's avatar
10 months ago

GL JournalTransactions API - [Message, The Company File version is not supported.]

I have a local install of AccountRight which I want to make calls on the API vuia a Python script.


My URL is made from:

endpoint = f"{MYOB_ENDPOINTS['general_ledger_journal_transaction']}/?$filter=DateOccurred ge datetime'{start}' and DateOccurred le datetime'{end}'"


When I call:
http://192.168.x.x:8080/accountright/<company ID>/GeneralLedger/JournalTransaction/?$filter=DateOccurred%20ge%20datetime'2022-01-01'%20and%20DateOccurred%20le%20datetime'2022-12-31'


In my code I get the error:
error: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url

If I browse to the URL I get the message:
[Message, The Company File version is not supported.]

I am requesting this accross a number of companies, some work but many do not.  Is this a version thing or am I doing it all wrong?  :)


Each company file has been opened and upgraded via the UI.




4 Replies

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  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi WilliamHam , this error indicates a mismatch in the version of the API add-on connector. See


    Go to, and look for the MSI section, and download & install the appropriate API add-on connector. It's possible that you may need to re-install the core program as well. 


    You will need the add-on connector for each file version you are dealing with. 

    • WilliamHam's avatar

      Thanks for this Mike_James, does the appropriate API connector just need to be installed once on the server or for each company?  


      I will pass this request onto the finance folk and see how they handle things like this.


      I very much appreciate your assistance here.



