Forum Discussion

MattC2's avatar
6 months ago


My bookkeer has retired and she set up my myob account. There are two Owners listed in the profile. I have the email and login to what was my ownership log in however i never set up the authenticator...
  • Princess_R's avatar
    6 months ago

    Hi MattC2,


    Thank you for your post, and welcome to the Community forum. I hope you find it a great source of information.


    My apologies for the late reply. Regarding the two-factor authentication (2FA) setup, if you haven't already set up a 2FA code for your login credentials, I recommend doing so either for your phone or via email authentication. In case your bookkeeper has already set up a 2FA code for your email, I can assist you in resetting the 2FA code, allowing you to set it up again for added security.


    Furthermore, here's the following article to set up the 2FA code:

    Please feel free to reach out if you require further assistance.


    If my response has answered your inquiry, please click "Accept as Solution" to help other users find this information.


