Something's gone wrong error with editing or creating a new account
- 5 years ago
Hi PavelS
If the same thing is happening in the Clearwater company file it is likely an environmental factor at play as it's happening across multiple company files.
I would typically suggest a reinstall at this point but you mentioned that you have upgraded to the latest version so completing that task, in theory, is the same as a reinstall. As such you would be looking at an environmental factor. The recommendation would be to look at temporarily disabling applications such as anti-virus, firewall, automated backup programs and other applications to you can create those accounts. I would also recommend a potential reinstall of Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8 on that computer.
Also, I notice in the error log that you have an unusual format for the date/time stamp; Time: 20 января 2021 г. 20:57:03, normally this would be in the format Time: Wednesday, 20 January 2021 3:31:55 p.m. or similar. So I would be making sure that your region and language settings in Windows is set to be English (Australia) and you are using an Australian version of Windows without a language pack installed.