Forum Discussion

MichelleS_ECO's avatar
Trusted Cover User
3 years ago

Upgraded a MYOB Product - attachments missing


Yesterday we upgraded from Plus to Premimer for use of Multi-Currency.

Today we have discovered that the documents that were attached to the transactions in the Plus file have not come across to the Premier file.

There was no indication from MYOB that this would happen. As you can imagine this is an important part of our file and we need it rectified ASAP.

What is the solution here? Who/What is it that we need to talk to about this?

Thank you


  • Hi MichelleS_ECO 


    How did you go about upgrading the file? Did you use the Help>>Change Product option or did you move across the company file to a different serial number?


    The reason I ask this is that the In Tray documents are attached to the file through the company file number on that serial number. As such, if you changed the serial number, the company record would have changed thus those documents wouldn't be attached. However, if you used the Change Product method it should have brought across the documents as its effectively the same file record. 

    That being said, if you have used the Change Serial Number option we can look at moving the documents if required, we just first need to fully understand what has occurred at your end.

  • Hi MichelleS_ECO 


    You may need to log out and then log back in, this can resolve some In Tray issues. As long as you didn't change the serial number, upgrading the file to Premier should not affect in tray documents.


    FYI I am not a fan of Intray as a substitute for keeping copies of your own documents, things like this happen. And if you ever start a new file, again you will lose all of the linked documents, unless you download them one by one before you remove the original file.






    • MichelleS_ECO's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Thank you Gavin fro your quick response

      We had to change the serial number of the file, as per the MYOB Data Services team instructions.

      We followed the instructions to upgrade....but we were not informed of the fact that users needed to be added again bank feeds redone and that there would be a loss of attached documents.

      We keep documents in our own system but the checking of documents associated with the transaction are easier to reference when attached in the MYOB file.

      This is very disappointing and if we'd know this issue beforehand we would have chosen a different timing for this transition.



  • Hi MichelleS_ECO 


    How did you go about upgrading the file? Did you use the Help>>Change Product option or did you move across the company file to a different serial number?


    The reason I ask this is that the In Tray documents are attached to the file through the company file number on that serial number. As such, if you changed the serial number, the company record would have changed thus those documents wouldn't be attached. However, if you used the Change Product method it should have brought across the documents as its effectively the same file record. 

    That being said, if you have used the Change Serial Number option we can look at moving the documents if required, we just first need to fully understand what has occurred at your end.

    • MichelleS_ECO's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Hi Steve

      Thank you for getting back to me.

      We had to change the serial number as per MYOB Support so they set us up with the DFR Team to make the transition.

      It's good to hear that something can be done to attach the documents to the new file.

      Let me know what details you need to make this occur.



      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi MichelleS_ECO 


        Awesome, we should be able to move those documents for you. Just a wee brief message to say that it's a one-way trip, we remove all the documents from one file and put them into another. There is no picking and choosing. Once it's done they are moved across and can't go back.

        If you want those documents moved then would you mind sending me a private message with the following information:

        • The previous serial number of the file was on
        • The current serial number of the file was on
        • The company file ID when it was on the previous serial number - would have been in Help>>About AccountRight - appreciate that you might not know that one. Getting the exact name of the company file is a good alternative if not known
        • The company file ID of the current file - Help>>About AccountRight
        • The primary contact's name and email address for the current serial number

        With this information, we should be able to look into moving those documents to the required file for you