Forum Discussion

timtam's avatar
Contributing Partner
2 years ago

Uploading local MYOB file

Hello all,

I've contacted MYOB support with pictures attached to my emails to no avail.  I have upgraded my husband's MYOB AccountRight Plus file from 2019 to 2020 to 2021 to 2022 to the current version of 2023.5.  Before posting I have checked for anything else that I could have done.  When opening the file in MYOB 2023 and trying to upload it the MYOB screen says that the version used is 2019.3.  I have disabled the virus protection, uninstalled and reinstalled MYOB 2023.5, added to internet options, privacy ... restarted the modem more times than I care to mention and am now at my wits end.  By the way I have also made a backup copy of the file, stored it locally, restored it to the local library under a new name, tried to upload it with the same result ... none.


If there is some kind soul that could help me as the single malt is running low.


Thank you in advance.  Kindest regards - Tamara Wagner

3 Replies

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  • Hi timtam 


    Some of your comments are inconsistent, so it would help if you can clarify. Specifically you wrote:


    "When opening the file in MYOB 2023 and trying to upload it the MYOB screen says that the version used is 2019.3."


    When you update a file, the current version being used creates a backup with the old version number in brackets. Say you file is called test1.myox. If this is a v2019.2 company files, when you try to open this in AR2023.5, MYOB will create a backup called test1 (2019.2).myox. Your updated file will be called test1.myox.


    You cannot open test1.myox in AR2019.2. 


    You cannot open test1 (2019.2).myox in AR2023.5. It must be updated to AR2023.5 first.


    So when you ran AR2023.5 and opened the company file, did you receive any messages? If there is a version problem you will see that well before you try to upload it online. 


    Suggest your try again. Ensure you are running AR2023.5 - make a note to check it is AR2023.5 on the welcome screen. Then select the company file that has already been updated to AR2023.5. Then try to upload. If you get the same message, take a screenshot. Then open Help About and take a screenshot of the version number. Attach both screenshots to your reply.




    • timtam's avatar
      Contributing Partner

      Hi Gavin


      Thank you for your prompt reponse.  It's much appreciated.  I know that with every version upgrade, MYOB makes a backup of the previous version.  I'll try not to be too long winded about the methods I've tried and apologise in advance if I am.


      Please find attached a Word document to illustrate the first part of what I've sent support.


      The second part was also sent to support, when I made a backup of the file, selected Restore a Company File, selected the relevant file and clicked Save file online with AccountRight Live.  The result was "Unable to restore online (you can't restore this file because the online compnay file is checked out, is being restored by another user, or your AccountRight Live subscription has expired".


      The worst part of all this?  Besides annoying good people like yourself, I have never in all my 29+ years of using MYOB experienced anything like this.


      Thank you again in taking the time and also for your patience in reading my query.


      Kindest regards - Tamara Wagner


      • gavin12345's avatar
        Ultimate User

        Hi timtam 


        I suspect there are a combination of factors behind the cause. If the online file is (or was v2019.3) this is both an old file version and also an old database version. I suspect this is what is causing the connection error during attempts to upgrade the file version.


        AR2023.5 (being the new database version v4.0) cannot connect to the old database version 3.5, and vice versa. Typically online files must be running the latest version and this file has not been accessed for a number of years. When the online file was last accessed as a v3.5 database version (preAR2020), the file was 'checked out'.  


        I doubt you will be able to update it to AR2023.5 online. And while this file is online, you cannot upload a new file, as under a Plus subscription you can only have one file online at a time. You can only restore. However you cannot restore, because it's status is 'checked out'. When the database version was changed to v4.0, MYOB removed the 'Check in and check out' process as it is not supported by v4.0.


        The solution - contact MYOB support and ask them to remove the online file. Run AR2023, open the local file and then go File Upload. As the online file has been removed, you should now be able to upload a new online file.


        Let us know how you get on with this.


