Forum Discussion

Abraham24's avatar
2 years ago

AccountRight Plus Viewing Report issue

After selecting Year 2021 as a current financial year, I could only see report for the previous year and Year 2022. I continue to enter transctions for Year 2023 but could not see it when wanting to ...
  • Genreve_S's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Abraham24

    Thank you for posting and welcome to the Community Forum. 


    I'm sorry to hear about your reports not showing data for 2023. The reports are influenced largely by the financial year in the file. I would suggest checking the financial year from the Setup > Company information window, if you are still in the previous financial year, I would suggest rolling out the financial to the current financial year or the previous financial year to show values for 2023. 


    If this does not solve your issue with reports, feel free to send us more information and screenshots of the issue.


    Let us know if you require any further assistance. 
