Forum Discussion

Alpacka2481's avatar
Cover User
3 months ago


Hi there 

I am the bookkeeper for a company and we do not know who the administrator of the MYOB file is. A few staff have left over the last couple of years and it may have been them, The owner of the business is not sure who the administrator of the MYOB Accountright file is. And we do not know the password.

How do we re-set the administrator in MYOB so that the owner of the business has control over user access/preferences etc for the MYOB file.

Thanks so much


  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Alpacka2481,


    Generally, the default password for the administrator login is blank. You can first try to log in to the administrator UserID and leave the password blank, it will let you log in without issues if the password was not altered. If the password was altered, I recommend reaching out to the support team by creating a support ticket from the MyAccount window or by going through MOCA to reach the live chat team. The support team can help you with the administrator password. 


    Feel free to post again if you need any other help.



    • Alpacka2481's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi Genreve

      There is a password in MYOB under administrator, just cant see what it is of course.

      Sorry How do i contact the support team to create a support ticket?

      Thank you

      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi there Alpacka2481,


        You can create a support ticket by logging in to your MyAccount. Once you're logged in, follow the steps below:


        • Go to More.
        • Select Support and then click on Contact support.
        • Make sure to fill out all fields and provide necessary details.


        Best regards,
