Forum Discussion

Hippopotamus's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago

After I installed the latest update to AccountRight, the Rules and Bank Feeds no longer work.

Last week I updated my Account Right and since then TWO THINGS - Rules and Bank Feeds are unusable. 

So I tried the online Contact (i.e. I made a "Support Request").  I feel like maybe a computer program is answering these Support Requests because the answers they gave me were of no help whatsoever.  You put your Support Request in and they come right back to you - with nothing helpful.  You're trying to think about how to deal with their nonsensical "help" and then you get an email saying since you haven't replied in, possibly 2 hours, they're closing your case, and you should put in another Support Request.  So, * , the MYOB Trust Pilot whisperer, he said to try the MYOB Community.  So here I am.

THING ONE - RULES  When I look at my Bank Feeds now, in the middle column, they all say, "Find  New"  Usually there are many that say "Approve".  I can see that I have Rules that should be being picked up, but they aren't being picked up. When I go into Manage Rules and, under Description, I make the top line which is called "the exact word or phrase", well I make it an exact word or phrase that's on the transaction on my bank statement.  I always refresh (Green swirly arrow) the Rules and the Bank Feeds, but the Rule is not picked up anymore.  It still says "Find  New".  

THING TWO - BANK FEEDS   Transactions that definitely should be in my Bank Feeds are not there!  I've never had that happen before!  And then when I click on Get Bank Transactions, it says there aren't any new bank transactions, even when I know for a fact that there are.  The latest Bank Feeds are dated 16.2.23.  Perhaps that's the date that I did the latest MYOB update?   When I go to my online bank, I can see that there certainly are new transactions since 16.2.23.  And I can see that in the middle of the Bank Feed, there should be about 6 or so transactions that are on the bank statement, but they are missing from the Bank Feed. 


  • Hippopotamus's avatar
    Contributing User

    By the way, after I posted about my TWO THINGS:  RULES and BANK FEEDS  I happened to see all the recent posts about problems with Bank Feeds.  Those people all banked with the NAB.  HOWEVER I BANK WITH THE CBA.

  • Hi Hippopotamus 


    Generally speaking, if you have the Find and New option for a bank transaction it would imply that the rule hasn't been applied. If the rule was applied the button would show as Approved. You mentioned that you do have a rule generated to the transaction that doesn't appear to have been applied, so the MYOB Community can investigate further would mind providing some screenshots of the rule that has been generated and the transaction you are trying to apply that to.


    In terms of your bank feeds where you are not seeing transactions come through, if you are expecting a transaction from your bank feeds and it hasn't come through, I would make sure that the transaction is showing at your Bank's end i.e. it's on your Internet Banking/bank statement. If it's not listed then we do recommend speaking with your bank.


    Should that transaction be listed at the Bank's end, I would make sure that the transaction is not listed in the Bank transactions window. The best way to check is to go to the Bank transactions window and set the following filters - Bank account: All, Status: All transactions, Date: a suitable date range (would do it a few days either side as well), and nothing in the Search. 

    Should that transaction still not be appearing, we would need to get a screenshot of the bank transactions window showing that transaction is not listed along with a screenshot of the Internet Statement/bank statement showing that transaction. With this information, we can pass that across to our internal team to look into that transaction(s) and potentially if required speak to your bank in relation to that transaction. This information can be sent through a Forum private message to me.

    • Hippopotamus's avatar
      Contributing User

      Thanks for your quick reply.  I'm a bit unsure, am I supposed to post my screenshots here?  I followed your link to go to Private Message, but it just said Private Message and I couldn't figure out how I could send a Private Message to you through that link you sent me in your reply to my problem.    Also, it will take me a bit of time to get back to you after I follow your directions and get screenshots etc. together.  Thanks, Hip

      Never MInd! I can do a Private Message.  I had been following the link from the email, but if I go into the actual MYOB Community  and the section where my original post is, I can Private Message you.  So, I'll get back to you in the next few days.  Thanks!