Bank<->invoice allocation report
- 5 months ago
Dear Princess,
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
So the short answer is: there is no report that contains payment allocations. You can get a report of payments from a customer, and you can get a report of invoices raised against a customer, but you cannot get a report that shows the linkage between the two.
Customer Transaction Report by logging into your AccountRight file online.
As I noted above, this report lists the payments and invoices for each customer, but does not show which payments were applied to which invoices.
Another option is to export some reports to Excel and use formulas to create a custom report that links transactions by common identifiers like dates and amounts.
Thank you for this suggestion, but this would not be very helpful. I want to be able to see how my bookkeeper actually allocated the payments to invoices within MYOB. The above suggestion amounts to trying to re-create the allocation of payments to invoices externally from scratch in Excel - there is no guarantee that this re-creation will be identical to what is actually recorded in my MYOB file. This is especially the case in our business as we have lots of recurrent transactions with clients and amounts that only differ by date, and customers do not always pay them regularly nor in order.
I will make a suggestion in the ideas section.