Forum Discussion

barbara3Wills's avatar
Contributing User
6 days ago

Manually entered expenses not showing

my bank feed for my credit card stopped working when my card was compromised and my new card allocated is unable to be a direct bank feed due to it being a 'private credit card' and not a business credit card.

So after using bank feeds for years and years for my small business, I am not interested in upgrading my credit card to a business credit

I have manually entered all the transactions into myob under the credit card nominated ledger.. they are not showing up when I look at them, the only ones showing are the bank feeds that occurred before they stopped.. where are the entries I spent hours entering using 'spending money'  why are they not showing, how can I complete my BAS without being confident that the outgoings like petrol are being accounted for? 

Thanks for any help at all


  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi barbara3Wills,


    It sounds frustrating to have spent hours entering transactions manually only to not see them. Here are some steps you can try to find those entries and ensure they show up:


    • Check the Date Range: Make sure you are viewing the correct date range where the transactions were entered.
    • Search the Ledger: Look for the entries directly in the credit card ledger to verify if they are there but just not visible in the summary view.
    • Account Linkage: Ensure that the manually entered transactions are linked correctly to the credit card account you are viewing.
    • Account Status: Confirm that the credit card account is active and properly set up.


    If none of these steps resolve the issue, it’s best to reach out to our support team directly for immediate help. You can reach them on Live Chat via our virtual assistant, MOCA, or by submitting a support case via MyAccount. This will help ensure all your outgoings are accounted for and you can complete your BAS confidently.





    • barbara3Wills's avatar
      Contributing User

      Thanks Shella

      the date range was correct..

      Before I received your reply, I ended up proving that they were entered by searching the individual ledgers and saw that they were entered.. then I went ahead and completed my BAS.

      Westpac no longer provide a download facility for private credit cards even though I used it exclusively for business expenses.  Very disappointing that I am not able to download it.

      I am considering going to another bank to receive the bank feed from a credit card

      Regards Barbara