Forum Discussion

Robyn2017's avatar
Experienced Cover User
7 years ago

MYOB bank reconciliation shows $54.00 less than bank statement withdrawals

I currently cannot reconcile our December 2018 bank statement because I am out of balance by $54.00 - the AccountRight withdrawals balance for December is $54.00 less than what the bank statement withdrawals balance is.  


I have gone through the bank statement and cross checked against AccountRight 4 times now and every transaction on the bank statement is ticked which would mean that my December reconcillation should balance as there wouldn't be any missing transactions.


 I have checked other scenarios such as $54 (or amounts adding up to $54.00 being entered as being paid from our credit card or petty cash - there isn't any and it isn't a case of a transaction accidentally been entered in November or January nor the bank processing a purchase made around the end of December in January.  I have balanced January bank statement (can't reconcile until I can fix December) and November bank statement has been reconciled so that's not the problem either - how can I reconcile December transactions when AccountRight is saying it's missing $54.00 that we haven't even spent?



  • Hi Robyn,


    Take a deep breath............


    I am making the following assumptions

    That there are no outstanding entries in your bank account


    As you have undone your reconciliatons to the start of the last financial year,I would start by going into the reconciliation screen as at 30/6/2018 and enter the ending balance as at that date.


    At this stage the out of balance should be 0.00. If not it would indicate that the problem is a transaction prior to June 30 2018.


    If that reconciles correctly , then proceed reconciling every month .


    As all your transactions are there it should be relatively easy.


    But what I would advise you to do is to check the cleared balance as you go which will help you identify where the problem is. 

    Sometimed the more you look the less you see.............


    eg. Cleared Balance 100

    deposit  250  Balance  sbe 350

    withdrawal  271 balance s/be 79 .


    If however the withdrawal was entered incorrectly as 217 the balance in myob will be 133.


    If you mark evertthing at once you won't see where the error in the balance actually is .


    Failing that..................there is a report inthe accounts section. Audit trail which will show you what transactions have been edited or deleted using session dates and transaction dates . This may be useful too.


    So frustrating I know......................rememeber too that you can always lock a period once you have reconciled ( setup, preferences)


    Hope this helps


    good luck







  • GDay53's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User



    Welcome to the MYOB Community Forum, I hope you find plenty of useful information.


    The first thing that come to mind is a dislexic error - something entered as 71 when it should be 17 that kind of thing.

    To be honest the best way to find such an error is to go to the Reconciliation screen untick everything and start the reconciliation over.


    • Robyn2017's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Graeme,


      Thank you for replying to my post - no "dislexic" type errors either so not a case of I've entered transaction/s with the wrong amount as I did check in case it was due to that before I posted on the forum (i'd just forgot to say that in my post) and I've tried multiple times to untick everything and start the reconcilliation again but I still am out of balance on my bank rec by $54.00.


      I went through cross-checking all the transactions on our bank statement with the bank rec report I printed 4 times and every transaction I have ticked off on the bank statement are all also in MYOB but it still keeps coming up that I'm $54.00 short (out of balance) on the withdrawals made that month even though I have at every time I've tried reconciling December entered in the correct closing statement balance.

      • Neil_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        HI Robyn2017


        Although you mentioned that November has been previously been reconciled, it might be worth comparing the November reconciliation printed off at the time of the reconciliation with the reconciliation report for the same date printed today.


        In theory these two reports should match, however if they didn’t then it would indicate that a prior transaction has been deleted or changed. When a reconciled transaction is deleted or changed it is removed from the reconciliation and that reconciliation no longer balances. This has the flow on effect of all subsequent bank reconciliations being out as well.


        Assuming the November reconciliation no longer balanced then the next step would be to go back a couple of months and compare the reports to see whether they balanced. Once you found the last reconciled month that balances the next month should have the missing transaction