Forum Discussion

kaushika's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

Unprocessed electronic payments register



We have 10 transactions from previous years appearing in our Unprocessed Electronic Payment Register, how to get rid of it?




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  • Hi kaushika 

    The situation is caused by previous processes that allowed 0.00 pay bills transactions to be generated and sent to the Electronic Payment window. As these are 0.00 transactions they are hidden from the Prepare Electronic Payments window so they can be processed therefore they are stuck in that report.

    The only two ways that I know how to remove those transactions from that report, as they can't be processed or reversed, are below:

    • Opening those transactions and editing the Pay from Account to not be the Electronic Payments account. This may not be feasible in all cases especially if it's an older transaction from a previous financial year.     

    • Create a new bank account (Accounts>>Accounts Lists>>New -- Give the account a number, name and set the account type to be bank) and set that account as the Bank Account for Electronic Payments (Setup>>Linked Accounts>>Accounts & Banking). This changes the account that the Prepare Electronic Payments window looks at and also update that report to no longer show those transactions (as its looking a new account to populate that report).