Import - Receive Payments - Error 0: Unexpected import error - Sequence contains no matching element
Hi All,
I am having trouble importing a receive payments file.
I am getting:
Error 0: Unexpected import error - Sequence contains no matching element
I have attached the log file, and the import file.
I suspect it relates to the leading zero, followed by the comma, in the log file.
However, I cannot see that 'field' in the import file, no matter what I open that import file with - it appears to start with the 'Deposit Account No.' field.
Since you cannot export a 'Receive Payment' file, I created the import file from the sample provided here:
For the avoidance of doubt, I have confirmed the existence of a customer with an invoice 27126 against which there is an outstanding balance greater than $10,000.00, and the customer Card ID is 999446. Account 1-1180 exists and is used all the time manually. Changing the invoice number in the import file to be 27126 vs 00027126 makes no difference, nor does changing the amount being received to be payment in full or part-payment.
We are running MYOB AccountRight 2019.4 (I can't update to 2020.1 at this point without getting into the office, which I cannot do under current lockdown restrictions, but I am doubting this import was failing under 2019.4)
Any suggestions gladly received.
Hi AlanF
I needed some time to find out the reason for why it was happening and it appers that you're getting this error because there needs to be a blank line between two lines of separate invoices for the import to work. I have attached a template so you can try importing it again on your end. Please note that the template I have attached is separated by tabs, instead of commas.
Please let me know if you still get the same error.