Forum Discussion

YML's avatar
Experienced Cover User
18 days ago

Index file not found

I am trying to delete a batch of old jobs.  


I have imported the jobs to link under a head job, but when I try to delete the header job I get this error report:


Resource not found or content has moved

No index file on this domain


Any solutions/suggestions?

2 Replies

  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi YML


    Thanks for sharing the error message. It's clear that you're having trouble deleting a batch of old jobs and encountering an error. This might be due to some cached data or an issue with the index file. I suggest clearing the cache in your AccountRight software. If the issue still persists, it might be related to the index file, which will require a deeper investigation. You may need to visit help sites like or to find MOCA, our virtual assistant. If MOCA can't help, you'll be automatically directed to our live chat team. They have more tools at their disposal to diagnose and resolve such issues. Let me know if you have other queries!



    Kind regards,

  • YML's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Shella

    MOCA could not help, and the chat team kindly sent me instructions on timeout extender.  Nothing about indexing, and nothing that actually helped.

    If anyone needs to extend their timeout settings for large data transactions, look here:

    AccountRight Timeout Extender | MYOB Community

    It's not quite up to date, and doesn't quite match the files referenced, but it's good enough for extending the timeouts. 

    Any suggestions with Indexing, anybody?