Forum Discussion

LCrowhurst's avatar
Trusted Cover User
2 years ago

cant match a invoice

I am unable to match this invoice (total is $16.89 but when i try to match its coming up as $16.90....but its out of balance....:manfrustrated:  


  • Steven_M's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi LCrowhurst 


    Assuming the invoice was supposed to be $16.90 then you would be looking at making that Bill in your system $16.90. Once that has occurred you would be able to match the purchase with the banking transaction.

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  • Hi LCrowhurst 


    I would say you have successfully matched the bank transaction with the purchase, its just that there is a 1-cent difference involved (bank transaction is $16.90 and Purchase transaction is 16.89)


    To quickly combat this you would use the Add adjustments option on that match window to add in a 1-cent adjustment so you are not out of balance (bill + adjustment would 16.90).


    Alternatively, remove that 0.01 line from the bill which would make the overall bill match the bank transaction amount.

      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi LCrowhurst 


        You still can't match it as the amount of the bill doesn't match the amount of the payment. The bill amount is 16.89 the payment is 16.90. Once you have made these the same amount you should be able to match it.

        We will only be able to further assistance if these are matching and it is still showing the out of balance amount.