Forum Discussion

soxes's avatar
4 months ago

MYOB Invoice Templates not showing correctly



We are using MYOB Business. The Sales Settings are listed as Services and Items as we are selling products. We are having a range of issue with the invoice templates:


  • Using a Services and Items layout, we cannot turn off the the Unit Price column
  • Using the Services layout, the invoice template looks correct but when we create an invoice and do a preview, the incorrect template layout shows.

It all seems a bit messed up at the moment.

Any help would be appreciated to get this on track.

Thanks, Simon

  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi soxes,


    Sometimes, cached data or browser compatibility can cause display issues. Try clearing your browser cache and, if the problem persists, switching to a different browser to see if this resolves the layout issues.


    You can also check the sales settings and ensure that your settings for both Services and Items layouts are configured correctly. Verify that the Unit Price column is set as desired.




    • soxes's avatar


      Browsers all reset. I have tried Safari and Firefox on macOS Monterey and Microsoft Edge and Chrome on Windows 10.


      If I set a template to the Services field layout type, then preview an invoice using this template the display goes back to Services and Items  field layout with everything selected - not how I saved the template.


      If I use the Services and Items field layout for my template and then deselect 'Unit Cost' the template stops working and won't load a preview.


      This does not appear to be functioning correctly and would appreciate someone looking into it so I can get it to work.


      Thanks, Simon

      • Isaiah_C's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi soxes,


        To investigate this further and help you get it working correctly, I recommend connecting with our live chat support team through our virtual assistant MOCA or submit a case via MyAccount.


