Forum Discussion

robertpascale's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

FAKE Approving Manager (super and personal details required)

As per other posts here, we need to create Approving Managers who are not currently Base Hourly employees.

Several of these users are contractors or salaried staff.


We only want to create these new fake employees in order to approve timesheets, but do not want them to have fake TFNs, fake super details etc. 


How do we avoid putting all of these details in to the system, specifically beecause we do not want to mistakenly add anything to any ATO reporting accidentally.


5 Replies

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  • SamaraM's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi robertpascale 


    Welcome to the Community Forum.


    If you'd like to add an approving manager who is not an employee, when you create a Contact or Card, set their Employment Basis to Other on the Payroll Details. This will ensure the software will not require specific details like TFN and Super fund details. 


    For more details on adding approving managers, see our Help Article: Getting started with MYOB Team.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

    • robertpascale's avatar
      Contributing User

      Thanks for the reply Samara.


      However, I have set the employment basis to other, and when I logon to the iOS app, it is still requesting those details.

      See attached screenshots of both the employee card and the phone app screen when I login.





      • SamaraM's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Rob (robertpascale)


        Thanks for clarifying, that looks like the employee self-onboarding form. To cancel the self-onboarding invites Go to; Employees > Self-onboarding invites > . . . > Cancel invite.


        Then when it asks you to send the self-onboarding invite, you can select the option "Skip this, I'll add the details myself", so it won't prompt you again.


        For more information about self-onboarding, see our Help Articles:

        If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.