Pay rate for annual leave
I have added separete pay item for an employee and hourly rate is recorded for that pay item.
I need to apply same rate to the annual leave he takes. But during processing payrun, as base hourly rate is zero, it is takeing the same zero rate for annual leave.
How to connect annual leave pay rate to new pay item.
Please guide to resolv the same. Screenshot is attached here.
Hi anand1,
If the amount is automatically marked as zero and you need to edit it based on that employee's hourly rate, the pay item you created might not be linked correctly to the entitlement, or the hourly rate might be set to be manually entered. I recommend setting the entitlement pay item to the "Regular rate multiplied by 1.0000." This setup will ensure that the leave pay item auto-fills the rate based on the employee's pay rate. You can read through this link to understand more about setting the entitlement wage item.